ICANN Batching: TLD applicants set up for „Digital Archery“

Accuracy wins top spots

After ICANN caused serious delay for top level domain applicants through TAS (TLD Application System) maintenance, the organization gives the starting signal to the race for the best spots. From 8 June until 28 June 2012 ICANN’s so called „Digital Archery“ takes place. The reason for this selection process is the high number of applications received so far. According to ICANN 1.930 applications have been submitted whereas only 500 will be evaluated at a time. As a solution to this, ICANN has decided to divide all future TLD owners into batches.

Their task will be to precisely „hit“ a selected target time by clicking a button within the TAS. Hit ratio will be used to determine the placement in a specific batch. The closest the digital arrow is shot to the target time, the higher the chance is to be placed in the first batch. For nearly all applicants being placed in the top batch is of great strategic advantage. Those who can reach one of the premium spots can expect a significantly earlier market entry compared to their competitors.

At FirstComeFirstBatch.com special computer systems will take Digital Archery off applicants hands. The technical solution exceeds the precision of experienced users many times over. FirstComeFirstBatch.com uses a special programming language that is optimized for real-time programs. In addition to that, other important aspects such as latency, jitter, network topologies, characteristics of Citrix environments and synchronization of time servers are taken into account. A human archer would have no impact on these factors within a virtual contest.

Fees have to be paid only if applicants are placed in the first batch. Applicants who decide to count on FirstComeFirstBatch.com until 20 June 2012 will profit from a special early bird discount. Interested parties have two weeks left to decide for hitting the bull’s eye. For more information visit www.firstcomefirstbatch.com.

Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH is a pioneer regarding new Top-Level-Domains and has accompanied the liberalization process of the domain name industry actively since 1998. The company operates several Top-Level-Domains and knows the domain name industry from all perspectives: As a Registry operator, as a Registrar and from national and international committee work. With TANGO REGISTRY SERVICES® Knipp offers a specialized technical platform for brand name Top-Level-Domains.

Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH
Alissa Sekulic
Martin-Schmeisser-Weg 9
44227 Dortmund
+49 231 97030