AUTARK Institute: „HolzStrom“ network project rounded off successfully – carbon-neutral energy from waste wood

showimage AUTARK Institute: "HolzStrom" network project rounded off successfully - carbon-neutral energy from waste wood

Dahlem/Schmidtheim. – Only three years after the „HolzStrom“ network was presented to the public the project was successfully completed at the end of August 2013 when a plant for generating energy from wood was established at the company HQ of ENTRADE AG, Schmidtheim castle in the Eifel town of Dahlem.

„In a development time of only three years the basic technology of the wood energy plant was driven forward with the help of the network to such an extent that the plant can now be marketed worldwide“, states Julien Uhlig, founder of the network and manager of ENTRADE AG. „After a detailed analysis of the market we found in the firm of Spanner RE2 GmbH a reliable partner with technological developments which we were able to support scientifically thanks to the help we received from Zittau/Görlitz University, the RWTH Aachen and the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT.“

An integral part of the activities of the AUTARK Institute was the „HolzStrom“ network’s aim of optimising the processes used in biomass gasification for the generation of electricity and heat, combined with the development of innovative product solutions in the field of heat and warmth cogeneration (CHP). The focus of their work was on small-scale wood energy plants with an electrical output of up to 45 kW.

Worldwide application of decentral electricity generation

Throughout Germany 200 plants provided by Spanner RE2 have come on stream since 2010. They are fuelled by wood chippings produced from waste wood such as tree branches and roadside wood cuttings, and accordingly use biomass which had previously had no energy generating application. The wood energy plants are technically uncomplicated, highly robust, can be set up without a great deal of effort and can therefore be operated almost anywhere in the world. The decentral generation of electricity in small, heat-operated power plants represents a major solution within the framework of global energy supply problems.

The project, which has received a subsidy of around EUR350,000 from the Federal Ministry for the Economy, has coordinated the development work of 20 affiliated network partners as well as research institutes throughout Germany, bringing together the leading scientific capacities available in this field. These include the RWTH Aachen, Dresden Technical University, Zittau/Görlitz University and the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT in Oberhausen. The results of the cooperation have been presented to trade professionals both at the Hanover Fair and at E-World in Essen.

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Weltweit verändern sich die Produktionsmethoden und -mittel für Strom und Wärme – sei es aus Gründen einer Effizienzsteigerung der Produktion, um das Klima zu schützen oder um Ressourcen nachhaltig zu nutzen. Hinzu kommen ein weltweites Bevölkerungs- und Wohlstandswachstum mit einem einhergehenden und weiter wachsenden Energiebedarf.

Vor diesem Hintergrund und mit diesen Motiven richtet sich der Fokus auf alternative Produktionsformen von Strom, Wärme und Kälte. Bekannte Lösungen und neue, vielversprechende Ansätze gewinnen an Bedeutung.

Und folglich wachsen die Anforderungen und Erwartungen an die Koordination von Forschungsnetzwerken mit ambitionierten.

Als unabhängiger Dienstleister für Energieforschung und Energieberatung mit einem breit aufgestellten wissenschaftlichen Team stellen wir uns diesen Aufgaben gerne

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