Algeria forces renewable energies – 120 billion US Dollars for 22,000 MW

showimage Algeria forces renewable energies - 120 billion US Dollars for 22,000 MW

In 2011 the Algerian ministry of energy and mines launched a program on energy efficiency and renewable energies with a capacity of 120 billion US Dollars. The target is to install additional power generating capacity from renewables amounting 22,000 MW between 2011 and 2030. 12,000 MW will be intended to meet the domestic electricity demand and 10,000 MW destined for export. For the expansion of these capacities Algeria relies on partner and know-how from abroad. Against this background the 6th electro, automation & energy 2012 focuses on renewable energies and energy efficiency. Algeria“s leading international trade show is organized by the German trade fair specialists fairtrade Messe and their Algerian daughter company in Algiers. It will be held in Algiers from 7 to 10 May, 2012.

The huge national potential of solar energy forms the foundation for the energy program worth 120 billion of US Dollars. A scientific study of the German Aerospace Center’s (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) on behalf of the German ministry of energy found, that Algeria has a solarthermal potential of 169.440 TWh/a as well as 13,9 TWh/a of photoelectric energy. According to the Algerian Government, one could cover the energy demand of Western Europa a 60-times with the solar energy potential from the Sahara (86% the area of Algeria).
In the course of the program about 60 solar photovoltaic and concentrating solar power plants, wind farms as well as hybrid power plants shall be installed until 2020. Between 2011 and 2030, 12,000 MW will be intended to meet the domestic electricity. Of this shall be gained 2,000 MW from wind energy, 2,800 MW of photovoltaic and 7,200 MW from solar energy. For realizing this project Algeria relies on partner and know-how from abroad. According to ZVEI – German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers“ Association Germany, France, China, Italy and Switzerland share two third of the electro-technical exports to the largest country of the African continent. In 2010 the total electro-technical imports to Algeria amounted 2,678 billion euros.
The German trade fair specialists fairtrade Messe and its algero-german team have recognized this potential. After the resounding success of elec expo & EneR Event in November 2011 in Morocco, with 213 exhibitors and 5,246 visitors, the 16th elcomUkraine in April 2012 and the 6th electro, automation & energy also address these topics. Algeria“s leading international trade show will be held in Algiers from 7 to 10 May, 2012.

About fairtrade:
Founded in 1991, fairtrade today is a leading organizer of highly professional international trade fairs in emerging markets. Since 2003 the Heidelberg headquarters of fairtrade maintain a daughter company in Algiers. ISO 9001:2008 certified, and being a member of UFI-The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, fairtrade organizes international events according to the UFI quality norms.

fairtrade Messe
Jana Hofmann
Kurfürsten Anlage 36
69115 Heidelberg

fairtrade Messe GmbH
Dominik Rzepka
Kurfürsten Anlage 36
69115 Heidelberg