New York City Plastic Surgery Practice Offering Superior Laser Liposuction Solutions

Park Avenue Smart Lipo™ is a professional plastic surgery facility in Manhattan offering innovative laser-assisted plastic surgery procedures. This AAAASF-accredited New York plastic surgery facility provides minimally invasive, advanced laser liposuction treatment using Cynosure’s novel Smartlipo technology. Known for its safety and efficacy, liposuction surgery here is helping men and women realize their cosmetic goals.

The Smartlipo Triplex workstation is designed to help the plastic surgeon treat fat-prone areas such as abdomen, buttocks, upper arms, face, hips, thighs, neck, ankles, calves, and more. It features a minimally invasive cannula that blends three laser wavelengths that work to disrupt fat cells, coagulate blood vessels, and stimulate collagen production. This safe technology is also equipped to prevent burns and hotspots.

At this New York plastic surgery facility, every patient is treated as unique. The plastic surgeon first performs a thorough evaluation to determine if the patient is medically and physically fit for plastic surgery. Cosmetic goals are also analyzed to make sure they are realistic. At the initial consult, patients are also informed of the risks and benefits of plastic surgery. Once candidature is determined, the surgeon creates a personalized laser liposuction treatment plan which can offer optimal results.

The plastic surgeons here are known for their skill in utilizing this unique technology to provide patients with optimal results and benefits such as:

>> Safe and easy removal of excess fat
>> Optimal body contouring results
>> Minimal downtime and quick recovery
>> Minimal scarring
>> Reduced pain and discomfort
>> Minimal complications
>> Longer lasting results
>> End-to-end care

The use of local anesthesia enhances patient safety and minimizes downtime. In most cases, patients can resume their normal activities within a few days.

This New York plastic surgery facility, known for its hi-def body contouring procedures, offers exclusive treatments for men and women. Abdominal etching procedure is a laser liposuction option that can provide men with a trim, well-sculpted abdomen. Breast reduction liposuction allows women to reduce unwanted fat deposits in the breasts and achieve a more attractive bust line.

About Park Avenue Smart Lipo™

An established plastic surgery facility in New York City, Park Avenue Smart Lipo™ offers advanced laser liposuction treatments ensuring superior body contouring results. More details are available at

Contact Information

128 Central Park South,
New York, NY 10019