It may only be October but for one lida daidaihua

It may only be October but for one cancer survivor from Mildenhall Christmas could be about to come early after losing nearly eight stone.

For forty-nine-year old breast cancer survivor Julie Hart a four-year wait to have a double breast reconstruction could be just around the corner after undergoing a dramatic weight loss.

After a double mastectomy in 2008, the Woodlands Way resident was denied breast reconstruction because she weighed in excess of 18 stone.

Now four years on Julie, who works at lida daidaihua Bury St Edmunds-based electrical firm Herga, is set to undergo the procedure after losing 8st 3lbs.

“The operation to have my breasts reconstructed would have taken 10 hours and the surgeons said that it would be too dangerous to do with my weight as it was at the time,” said Julie.
“I had been dieting all my life but this news really motivated me to try to lose the weight.

“Now I have been told that I can expect to have the operation either just before Christmas or just after Christmas.

“It will feel like I have been given part of my womanhood back.”

Although losing a small amount of weight through her own dieting methods, the pounds really started to fall off Julie, who also had breast cancer in 1998, after joining the Mildenhall branch of Slimming World, run by Donna Cooper, back in January 2011.

Since joining Donna’s group, which has recently been given Slimming World’s gold award, Julie has lost 7st 10lbs. As a result of her dramatic weight loss it has seen Julie pick up the runner’s-up prize in the district finals of Slimming World’s Woman of the Year award.

“I was so terrified when I first walked into the class but people were so friendly they came up to me and made me feel so welcome,” said Julie.

“At the time of starting I just felt 2 Day Diet Strong Version worthless. It was the worst time of my life. Donna has been absolutely brilliant and I could not have done it without her. I have made so many fantastic friends while going to the classes.

“Although I only have 2lb to go to reach my target, I plan to carry on going to the classes as they have transformed my life.”